The prince

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Essay Database > Literature
Timeless literature often leaves lasting impressions on society years after it I written. Nowhere is this statement better proved than in The Prince, an awe-inspiring series of essays on monarchies written in the early sixteenth century by Niccolo Machiavelli. In this brilliant piece of literature, Machiavelli describes his ideas on how to seize and retain power. Written using many brilliant themes and ideas about politics, this book contains ideas and opinions derived from many specific …

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…many motives in writing this book, including trying to gain a personal standing with the new prince Lorenzo de' Medici and suggesting ways to return Italy to greatness, led him to create a masterpiece that will never be forgotten. Ultimately, Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince is an immortal work on power politics that has taught many rulers how to compose themselves in a position of power, and will continue to do so for years to come.