The old man and the sea

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA: ERNEST HEMINGWAY The beginning of this novel takes place in a small fishing village, along the cuban coast. As soon as the novel introduces the main character Santiago, an old fisherman, who’s whole life and home is the sea. You imediately feel a sense of pity for him. The novel explains everything that he does not have, and how he is the out cast of the village. Santiago …

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…sleep. I think that this book was very exciting and had a lot of depth to it. Hemingway used such great descriptions for all of the characters. I thought it was great, that Santiago still came out of the catch with his pride. It was a struggle for him, and even though he lost the battle with the sharks he still proved to himself that he was a good fisherman. I definetly recommend this book.