The lord of the rings The fellowship of the ring/John Ron Reginald Tolkein book report.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
The fellowship of the ring/John Ron Reginald Tolkein Published by unicorn This book contains 512 pages This book is part of a trilogy called: LORD OF THE RING" it contains two more books called: THE TWO TOWERS and THE RETURN OF THE KING this is the first book of the cycle The plot: The story begins with the birthday party of bilbo bagins, an old adventurer and a hobbit (a small and stout nation of …

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…will wonder off to morder alone. As frodo becomes weaker by the evil powers of the ring he bears sam compensates with resourcefulness and loyalty. Even though he is not strong or smart or fast or tall his courage and loyalty are an example for us all. I believe that sam not Frodo is the real hero of the story. He shows us you can be a hero without being a: LORD OF THE RING.