The legalization of drugs in North America.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Drugs - the issue is wholly controversial, and the debate not entirely without merit. It is hard to see exactly what the answer should be, without looking at all the facts; even then, many "experts" fluctuate between a "Yes" and a "No" answer. Granted, there are many sides to the problem; however, with the decriminalization of marijuana seemingly within reach, the debate for whether all illicit drugs should be decriminalized or even legalized has gotten …

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…illegal-it is literally hopeless to expect to end the traffic or even to reduce seriously its scope." Drugs will continue to be a problem until we take the appropriate action. History has substantiated that we cannot eliminate the market for illicit drugs and it is proven that Prohibition is liable to aggravate the problem. Therefore, by examining all the evidence, it is abundantly apparent that legalizing illicit drugs is the only plausible solution we've encountered.