The league of nations.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
The League of Nations managed to keep a lot of items going and introduced co-operation between countries in the 1920's In my opinion the League of Nations was a success I will discuss my reasons in this essay.The aims of the League of Nations were to discourage aggression, to encourage co-operation, disarmament and to improve working conditions for everyone in the world. The League of Nations was set up because after the First World …

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…quickly formed. The league tackled them and acted quickly to stamp out diseases such as smallpox, cholera and dysentery. The last thing the league promised to do was disarm countries. It failed. However countries like Britain France America and Italy did lower their forces. Since World War One Germany had been forced to disarm and was only allowed a very small army but they didn't want to be the only country that was to disarm.