The grapes of wrath

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Essay Database > Literature > English
1. John Steinbeck wrote the novel The Grapes of Wrath. 2. The setting of the novel The Grapes of Wrath is mostly in a wagon on the route 66 between California and Oklahoma. The time period of this novel is around the early 1900's and late 1800's 3. This novel's level of difficulty is average, because of the different settings and the different symbolism. 4. The main character in this novel is Tom Joad. Tom is very sly, angered about …

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…as people. The turtle represents survival and the will keep on living and going even if it hurts. The dust in this novel is symbolized as the deterioration of the land as it erodes away. The grapes in this novel represent the bitterness of the people. Jim Casy represents a God like figure in which every one listens to. Rose of Sharon is symbolized as a God like figure also for saving that mans life.