The Wright Brothers

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
In the Lives of the Determined For centuries, thousands of men sought after the dream of flight and never attained it. Figuring out how to fly, without killing yourself in the process, was an enormous task. Many intelligent men died in the process. However, after several years of reading and preparation, two men accomplished their dream. This is their story. Wilbur and Orville Wright, from a small city called Dayton, Ohio, invented the first airplane. …

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showed last 75 words of 1935 total
…But the description just does not give the human effort justice. It will be remembered as so much more than that. For centuries, thousands of men sought after the dream of flight and never attained it. Figuring out how to fly, without killing yourself in the process, was an enormous task. Many intelligent men died in the process. However, after several years of reading and preparation, two men accomplished their dream. This was their story.