The Wedding Planner.

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
One of the most important dates in any girl's life is her wedding day. It is a time that she fantasizes about for years, planning every little detail in her head over and over again until it is completely memorized. However, when the actual wedding is about to be planned, she realizes that there is so much more that she never thought of preparing for. This was the case for me, and I will use …

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…can possibly handle. However, given enough time, effort, and organization, it can be fully accomplished. Setting an appropriate time and date for the wedding, considering a straightforward and fitting location for the ceremonies, preparing the wedding stage, and tending to the personal preparation of the bride and groom are the main things that planning a wedding entails. This task is a difficult one but, in the end, the results are well worth the hard work.