The Troubles with Camping

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Troubles with Camping Each year, thousands of people throughout the United States choose to spend their summer vacations camping. Depending on individual sense of adventure, there are various types of camping to choose from, including log cabin camping, recreational vehicle camping and tent camping. Of these, tent camping by far requires the most "roughing it," and with proper planning can be very gratifying. However, even the with the best planning, tent camping can be …

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…wild animals, these failures can end any remaining hope for a peaceful vacation. These three types of camping troubles can strike campers almost anywhere. Until some brilliant scientist invents a weather machine to control bad weather or kind of wildlife repellant, unlucky campers will continue to shake their fists in frustration. More than likely, equipment will continue to malfunction. Even so, the rewards of camping are plentiful, and it continues to be a favorite pastime.