"The Tell Tale Heart" by Edgar Allen Poe

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The "Evil Eye" In the story "The Tell Tale Heart" by Edgar Allen Poe, the main character who is also the narrator is faced with the fear of the old man's eye. Because of this fear the narrator takes severe actions in order to end his fear, but on the other hand this fear leads to his demise. In the beginning of the "Tell Tale Heart" the narrator is trying to convince us that he …

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…old man is now driving him mad. What he thinks is the old man's heart beating is really his own. He then gets so out of control that he confesses to the murder of the old man. The sound that drove him to kill the old man and get rid of the "evil eye" is now the sound that is making the narrator confess everything to the officers. His madness has become his own demise. (665)