The Teacher

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Essay Database > Literature
Out of all the teachers in the school, Canon was the one who demanded the most respect. In his presence, no one dared to talk, nor breathe loudly for fear of attempting defiance. When he approached it was as if the world had gone into mute. Thunder-struck boys spoke tersely in controlled whispers, and only when he was completely out of earshot would they speak normally again. Between classes there was always five minutes' uproar. …

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…and lambasted you for tenuous errors act in such a peaceful and loving way? George stared on in amazement at the teacher. Suddenly he lifted his eyes and they locked with his, but then he did something George had never seen before, he smiled - a huge, magnanimous smile which seemed to be imploring forgiveness. George smiled back. He couldn't help it. There was some good in this teacher; he wasn't so bad after all.