The Study of Metallurgy

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
The Study of Metallurgy Metallurgy is the science and technology of metals, including the extraction of metals from ores, the preparation of metals for use, and the study of the relationship between structures and properties of metals. New techniques in fabrication of metals have developed new alloys allowing reduced weight and increased in strength. Metallurgical processes consist of two operations: concentration, separating a metal or metallic compound from the useless waste rock material, or gangue, …

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…magnesium, beryllium, potassium, and sodium are metals that are processed in electrolytic furnaces. As you can see, metallurgy has improved technologies and has allowed us the freedom to expand technologies currently existing. Without studying metals, new and better ways of producing metals would never have come about and we would find that innovating and creating the things we need, would be next to impossible, without introducing these special metals and the techniques to produce them.