The Stranger

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Literature > English
THE STRANGER This book demonstrates how society judges individuals for doing something that is not the usual way to do things. Meursault displays many of these abnormal personality traits. He is not an emotional person and has a laid back attitude. Unfortunately people pass judgement on him because he does things and see things differently than most people do. He does not show emotion at his mother?s funeral, does not tell his girlfriend he …

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…assumed that if most of the people believe in one way then it must be the truth. In conclusion, this book basically demonstrates how society is closed to open-minded to the unknown, which is still true of today?s society. In addition, it shows how people feel secure in groups and how these groups take precedence over anyone else. Furthermore, it shows that, ?we?, society do not except diversity in a country that stresses freedom.