The Stranger

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Stranger Analysis Albert camus presents an "absurd" personality in the character of Meursault. Is he art all sensitive in BookONe or does his passive indifference to other and situations take over? Looking over book one, discuss specific times when Meursault was particularly receptive to the needs or wishes of others OR looing over Book One, discuss specific times when Meursault remained indifferent, causing readers to stir with emotion and label him absurd Mersault, is very …

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…It is funny game for him, but every game has the end and the end of this one is very mournful. Meursault is just the victim of circumstances who suffered from his apathy, he seems sleepwalking though his life. What kind of monster can this be? The monster who is like everyone else. He comes to terms with the absurdity of life and the nothingness of death and prepares to meet both equally and courageously.