The Story of your Life

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Pages: 11
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
Meaning... What is meaning? There is no meaning to this life. Tell me, why must we all search for significance, when meaning simply doesn't exist? If one must seek meaning to a life that simply defines reproduction, endless mistakes and death, what is the importance? Now bear with me, as I start the story of your life at....... Nine months onwards, your recently married parents rush to the nearest private hospital in their polished Mercedes. …

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…a routine medical check-up, it is discovered that you have lung cancer, much to your children's disgust. The last of your savings are spent on treatment, which ends up killing you anyway, due to your body's aversion of chemo. The day your heart stops, the pain ends. With both astringent and divine memories, your ashes are scattered off cliff tops, the horizon now a backdrop to brutal seas that paint the story of your life.