The Role of Religion in Acient Pagan Society

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Religiosity determined the everyday life of antique cultures. It was a by far more pervasive phenomenon, than this is in many modern societies the case. A strict separation from state and religion was inconceivable. Cults by public and private character were fundamentally different. The Roman cult calendar intended the national holidays and the celebrations for the individual gods. Before political or military events sacrifices were made and the will of the gods was explored. These …

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…of the empire, he lavished expenditures on them. He built a new forum, beautified the streets, improved housing conditions, and set up adequate police and fire protection. Bibliography Bailey, Cyril. Phases in the Religion of Ancient Rome. Berkeley, 1932. Shelton, Jo-Ann. As the Romans Did. New York, 1998. "Roman Historical Lexicon / A to Z Glossary for Augusta Raurica" Roman Town of Augusta Raurica. 29 Feb. 2004. <>