The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner In the poem we can notice that there is a story within the other. First, the mariner is talking to the wedding guests. Second, the narrator tells us the scene of the wedding. The mariner is one of the guests, he is a very old man who chose another guest to narrate his story. The guest was scared when the mariner held his hand, and he was wandering, why …

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…It may not be realistic but it has a constant logic of its own. The logic of the poem is based on the romantic conception of the unity of life, it is based on the belief that human and natural things constitute one whole. The killing of a bird is the rejection of the unity of the universe and the rejection of this oneness that binds man and the bird to the universe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**