The Rape of the Lock

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Essay Database > Literature > English
G.K. Chesterton said, "A good novel tells us the truth about its hero." The author of an epic has to keep many qualities in mind, but he focuses on telling a story about a hero and group of people. Some authors prefer the humorous aspect, so they write stories that mock epic; this is known as a mock epic. In Alexander Pope's The Rape of the Lock, the poet uses juxtaposition to create his …

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…standards of it. Pope juxtaposes the foolish and insincere manner of the rich aristocrats to the truthful and laborious common people. He proves they are quite humorous because of their absurd ways. The Rape of the Lock depicts the fashionable society as the nobles tend to revolve around such nonessential things. Pope mocks their high-class ideas and events. He tells the truth of their inconsiderate and outrageous ways, as the common people would see it.