The Qualities of Classicism in the Instrumental Music.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
In the late 1700's and early 1800's the Baroque period gave way to the classical era, introducing many revolutionary new scientific discoveries and theories. This drastically changed people's social views and transformed into the age of enlightenment. With this change in social philosophy came changes in musical trends. Previous Baroque style developed in to a new Classical, formed by a sensitive and profuse with ornamentation French rococo style, vocal and instrumental Italian gallant style, and …

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…the increased numbers of musical pieces composed and played were all direct effects of the changing musical times. The Enlightenment also saw the advent of public concerts; the growing middle class sought entertainment and, unlike the peasantry of prior centuries, they could afford it. Music was no longer to be for the private amusement of a privileged few. Because the music was now sounding humanly, it became open, understandable and divert able for every man.