The Prince

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Essay Database > History
Machiavelli's views have been misinterpreted since his book was first written, people take him in the wrong way, and are offended by what he says. Careless readers take him in a completely wrong way, such as they think that he believes that the end justifies the means, that a leader should lie to the people, and that a ruler has to rule with force. In actuality, Machiavelli means no such thing, he says that there …

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…completely separate from the rulers private life. No matter how immoral the ruler may be in private, only his public image is important. A ruler can be a sleazy person on their own time, and when not involved with matters of the state, but at any time when the leader is involved in politics and the state, you can not afford to injure the image of the ruler or else anarchy will develop. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**