The Prince

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Essay Database > History
The Prince Niccolo Machiavelli was born in Florence, May 3, 1496. His education as a child was limited. He later achieved his great knowledge through private reading, meditation and, most or all, experiences with life and men. His main political experience in his youth was watching Savanarola from afar. Soon after Savanarola was executed, his active political career began, which was in 1498 when Machiavelli received an appointment to the chancellery of the Florentine Republic. This was his …

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…the arms and fortunes of others. This happens when someone is given a state either for money or as a favor from someone. These people will not know how to command, since they have always been private citizens. Chapter 7 concerns new princes that acquire their principalities through evil means. These people depend on constantly changing and inconsistant things. Again, only being private citizens, they have no knoledge of leadership or how to rule a state.