The Positive Effects of Teenage Pregnancy and its Prevention

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Not every teen pregnancy is unpleasant and regretful. According to a story by a teen mother name Mag, in "Who Would Have Believed" says that her life style change dramatically after she discovered that she was pregnant. Before that, she was a "rebel", going out drinking, making her parents mad, and just like many other teens, she was hard to control at the age of fourteen. While dating, Mag became pregnant at the age of …

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…and address the public in an AIDS conference by stating, "masturbation was a part of human sexuality, and it's part of something that perhaps should be taught" (Neff, 1). Did not get a chance to put her idea into teaching, Elbers was asked to resign by president Clinton after her speech. Overall, studies show that the number of teenage pregnancy in the United States have been declining, yet it remains the highest number in the world.