The Old Age in Constantine Cavafy's Poetry.

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In this essay I will try to explore the way in which the Greek poet Constantine Cavafy addresses the issue of the individual as an existence and especially the way the poet depicts the old age. To this purpose I will refer to two of the plethora of his poems, "An Old Man" and "The Souls of Old Men". "An Old Man." At the back of the noisy café bent over a table …

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…to unravel, to cut their Gordian knot to the tattered bodies where they reside. The redemption seems unachievable... Concluding my essay, I am of the opinion that Constantine Cavafy was very deft at depicting old age in all respects, laying emphasis on issues such as life and death, mortality and immortality, fulfillment and defeat, sorrow and joy. Cavafy offered great insight to ideas that seem common to all but involve complex philosophical notions and theories.