The NDP and Its Inability to Garner Support Among the Poor.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
The New Democratic Party views themselves as democratic socialists and the defenders of the economically disadvantaged. Democratic socialism seeks to liberate the individual from the inequalities and exploitation of the capitalist system and believes in equality of the condition not just of the opportunity. They don't believe in privatization and believe that the well being of citizens is the most important goal. The NDP is associated with the left and with that comes ideas about …

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…on a revolutionary party, lack of voter turnout among poor people and being overwhelmed by the serious principles and pledges of the party. Even though the NDP prides itself on representing the desires of the economically challenged, it isolates and alienates the very people it is defending. A change in the approach of the NDP and possibly a widening of it's political goals may be the only way to increase support in the polls. -