The Little Prince

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Essay Database > Literature > English
what truly is a "matter of consequence. children are liberated by their imagination and understanding of the emotions and intangible qualities that are truly "matters of consequence." The Little Prince The protagonist of the story, he is a symbol of hope, love, compassion, and the child in all of us. He is a curious explorer, but cannot stop thinking about the rose he left back home. His intense love for this rose led him to …

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…of time and death. Drunk - The drunk's vice is juxtaposed with the innocence of the little prince, who does not understand the drunk's desire to forget. Railway Switchman - The railway switchman shows the little prince how rushed adults are for time, and that kids are the only people who know what they are looking for in life. Merchant - The merchant tries to sell people lost time with a pill that quenches thirst.