The Life of a Homosexual

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
How are Asian Americans treated in the Asian-American community when they are known to be homosexuals? Are they treated the same as everyone else? Or are they treated as the outcasts of the society? Most people, including other races other than Asian Americans, find it hard to accept the homosexuals, especially during the teen years of one's life. The teen years of a homosexual can often times be very difficult in general because of the …

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…the understandings of the lives of a homosexual. Many find it hard to accept them for who they are. Our group feels that we could help them by forming groups or organizations. This will give them an opportunity to seek help with their problems and to feel comfortable with who they are. We can also try to stop all the tormenting and the verbal abuse towards the homosexuals. In results, suicidal rates may even decrease.