The Largest Earthquake in History: Chile 1960

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
In the history of this world there have been many large, disastrous earthquakes. The largest earthquake ever recorded was the earthquake that took place in Chile, South America, in 1960. This earthquake caused much damage. Many people were injured and a large number of people were killed. The earthquake caused a large tsunami, and damaged many towns. The enormous tremble of the earthquake was felt at different places around the world. The famous Chilean earthquake was …

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…in Chile are being very precautions not to build on a cliff, and to build sturdy buildings to keep safe in case of an earthquake. There is not much an area can do to protect themselves from an earthquake. The 9.5 catastrophic earthquake that occured on May 22, 1960, in Chile was the largest recorded earthquake. There was a lot of damage. This earthquake did not only affect Chile but it also affected different areas in the world.