The Japanese Tea Ceremony

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Pages: 20
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Essay Database > Literature > English
In the middle of the 16th century the first Westerners, the Jesuits, arrived in Japan, and at that same time a Japanese man named Rikyu was developing a new approach to the ancient practice of serving tea with some food. It did not take long for the Jesuits to discover and develop an admiration for tea practices and to incorporate them into their everyday life in Japan. But the relationship between western civilization and the …

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…flashing forth is more likely to occur in the ordinary moments of life's journey when those moments are lived with discipline, attentiveness, and a concern for beauty. In conclusion, Let me say to you that whatever nation and culture you come from, and whatever traditions you embrace, I hope that your journey in life will be filled with joy. But no matter how or where you follow your path, don't forget to take the tea!