The Internet

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
The Internet is like a network of networks where any computer can link up to information stored within it. It is accessed by a telecommunications line and a modulator-demodulator (MODEM). It is brought to your computer screen by converting analogue telephone signals into digital computer signals. There are many advantages and disadvantages on the Internet. The main advantage of the Internet is that communication is made very easy. Two people on opposite sides of the …

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…example, if you urgently needed to get hold of someone, you would not get a reply until the recipient checked their mailbox. In this kind of situation something like a phone would be better. Another disadvantage is that it is becoming impossible to get by without the Internet. All over television and radio, Internet sites are advertised. Some information is exclusively available over the Internet, which deprives people who cannot access it of this privilege.