The Internet

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
The Internet Essay written by: CollegeKid2002 Right now I'm thinking about the Internet, the all-pervasive medium through which I've published my thoughts and work I've done in my free time for several years now. Like mostly everyone else, I communicate with others using the Internet, play games through it, read news, and learn about things. (Except, sadly, I am not convinced the general public is interested in learning.) And we are all familiar with the "…

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…the Internet is so huge you really do need search engines, and good ones. First I used Lycos, then HotBot. Once each of those started sucking, I switched to a new search engine. Now, I use Google, which (unbelievably) doesn't suck, and looks like it will stay that way. These sorts of things have a future. The Internet has a future, and it's going to be great. The New Economy is still ahead of us.