The Industrial Revolution

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Economics
"No development in modern history has affected individuals more than the Industrial Revolution". The Industrial Revolution took place from 1730 - 1830. European and American society, ideals, and politics advanced greatly during this time period. During the Industrial Revolution many of the philosophers of the time challenged common beliefs. Enlightened thinkers challenged the existing order and opened a gap between intellectuals and established institutions. One of the intellectual was John Stuart Mill. He published his ideas on …

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…Industrial Revolution political ideas prospered. Socialism was appealing to a large number of the working class in the urban societies They enjoyed the ideals of fair wages and equality in the work place. Nationalism was also spreading around the world. Nationalism put an emphasis on cultural unity. The Industrial Revolution impacted peoples' minds, lives, and the government. The affects were both positive and negative. It was undoubtedly a significant period in American and European history.