"The Illiad" Brief Summary

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Essay Database > Literature
Homer's timeless classic comes alive in a tale of passion, anger, and pride. It begins nine years into the Trojan war when the Achaeans sack a town near Troy. They capture two women, Chryseis and Briseis, as prizes for Agamemnon, the Achaean leader, and Achilles, the greatest greek warrior. When Chryseis' father demands her back in return for a generous ransom, Agamemnon gives up his prize reluctantly, and then takes Briseis from Achilles. This conflict …

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…family observes everything. At the Achaean camp, a celebration is thrown for Patroclus' funeral with a long series of athletic games in his honor. The narrative continues with the Gods agreeing that Hector's body deserves proper burial after so many days. Priam, lead by Hermes, pleads with Achilles to return Hector's body. Achilles finally yields and returns Hector's corpse to the Trojans. Both sides agree to a momentary peace, and Hector receives a hero's funeral.