"The House of Atreus."

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Essay Test; In this essay I will explain the following concepts: - What is the House of Atreus? - Who was involved? - What happened? - Literature Examples ________________________________________ What is the House of Atreus? The royal house of Atreus is one of the most well known and ill-fated families in Greek and Roman mythology. Furthermore, some key members of this family include; Tantalus, Niobe, Menelaus, and Agamemnon and his children. These characters of Greek mythology …

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…Thyestes thereupon fled Mycenae. Although his two sons had been slain, Thyestes had one more son--a son who was not killed and eaten. His name was Aegisthus. Atreus' horrific acts against Thyestes were not avenged during Atreus' lifetime, but years later. Aegisthus did not allow his father or brothers to go dishonored. His revenge was obtained many years later through Atreus' son, Agamemnon. Literature Examples: - The Odyssey - The Aneid - Iliad - Agamemnon