"The Hot Zone" about the Ebola virus

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
Setting: Mount Elgon, Africa-Where they think the Ebola viruses originated from and spread to the monkeys. Reston Monkey House, Virginia-Where a shipment of monkeys from Africa was sent, soon after the monkeys arrived every monkey came down with the virus. Characters: "Charles Monet"-A French man living in western Kenya. In January 1980, he starts dying of the Marburg after visiting the Kitum Cave in Mount Elgon. Eugene Johnson- Civilian virus hunter working for the Army, …

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…some of the dead monkeys and took out their livers and took some blood samples, he then sent them to Washington D.C where they identified it as Ebola Zaire. They then sent out a crew of trained army biochemists to kill the remaining monkeys and to rid the house of the disastrous disease before it could spread any further and start killing humans, obviously since we are all still alive they succeeded, thank goodness.