The Hollow Men

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
Eliot starts his poem "The Hollow Men" with a quote from Joseph Conrad's novel the Heart of Darkness. The line "Mistah Kurtz-he dead" refers to a Mr. Kurtz who was a European trader who had gone in the "the heart of darkness" by traveling into the central African jungle, with European standards of life and conduct. Because he has no moral or spiritual strength to sustain him, he was soon turned into a barbarian. He …

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…is no help for him in God. Psalm 3 Eliot's The Hollow Men finishes with some of his most quoted lines: 'This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends Not with a bang but a whimper.' Here Eliot seems to be at an all time low. He is sad and cynical about life and his spiritual journeying could well have ended here.