"The Hobbit"

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Essay Database > History > European History
MY REVIEW OF the Hobbit Bilbo Baggins was a Hobbit, son of Belladonna Took. Hobbits are little people, smaller than dwarves and half our height. They love peace and quiet. They are very respectable people. Hobbits lived for peacefulness. We find that sleep is one of the few cherished joys of the hobbits. Things change as the journey requires Bilbo to mature into a full hero. Bilbo himself enjoyed sitting outside, smoking his wooden pipe …

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…this one had a happy ending. The ending of this book was fairly predictable, with the exception that one of the main characters, Thorin, King of the Dwarves, was killed in the final battle. I think the author was just trying to end the book quickly, sending Bilbo home with no danger, though on the trip to the Mountain, all he encountered was danger. Bilbo is now at his home, thinking thoughtfully about his adventure.