The Hobbit

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Essay Database > Literature > English
"In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit" (P.1). This is how Tolkien this is how the book begins. It is a story of a small hobbit named Bilbo and his vast journey through the evil world of middle earth. Bilbo lives in the shire, it is very calm and pleasant. Needing a burglar on his journey Gandalf the Grey comes to ask Bilbo for help. Gandalf came with thirteen dwarves who were …

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…as caught and lured in by the tales and legends of the Dragon's gold. Fighting off many, many evil things Bilbo only escaped with life by a narrow margin many times. No obstacle was as heavy upon his heart and as hard to kill, though, as the lust and greed that he (along with the Dwarves, Elves, Goblins, and Wargs) had for the treasure that Smaug so greedily slept upon night after night without use.