The Hobbit

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The hobbit Bilbo Baggins in the book, The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien, starts out as a timid, little, hobbit that has no sense of adventure whatsoever. His two family backgrounds, the Baggins side and the Took side conflict with each other; one is fearful and one yearns for adventure. These two sides are shown by his actions, and finally the fearful side begins to diminish. Bilbo Baggins gradually turns into an expert burglar …

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…shows how talents always seem to come out in the darkest times and seem to surprise everyone. Furthermore, friendship is an important theme in this book. The people that are good seem to come together in times of need and prosper, while evil people turn against each other instead of coming together and ultimately end up losing. There are many more themes in this book but these are the ones demonstrated by the key events.