The Greenhouse Effect 2

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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > Science & Technology
A common misconception held by most people is that the "greenhouse effect" is a phenomenon mainly caused by human CO2 production. This is a gross misunderstanding; actually, the greenhouse effect is a natural occurrence. Certain gases in the atmosphere trap infrared radiation, or heat, that would otherwise escape from the earth's atmosphere into outer space, this heat is a result of the greenhouse effect which is absolutely essential to the survival of every species on …

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…encountered are hypotheticals. I can understand the argument, but I fail to see the evidence these hypotheticals are drawn upon. Despite opposition, we are reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and preserving existing forest and planting new ones to increase the planet's CO2 removal capability. I may not see the rationalization behind these actions, but nevertheless they have the added benefit of making good environmental sense regardless of the outcome of the global warming issue.