The Great Schism of the West What was the most important cause of the Great Schism?

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Essay Database > History > European History
During the years of 1378 to 1417, a schism occurred within the Roman Catholic Church. It was the Great Schism of the West and unlike the Great Schism of the East, this schism was not about defying against the supreme Church. The Great Schism of the West was about politics. During this time, three separate people claimed to be the pope, including Pope Urban VI, Pope Clement VII, and Pope Alexander V. Although the Roman Catholic Church …

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…was crowned as Pope. The papacy was offered to him and he accepted it. Having finally been crowned, he took the name of Pope Urban VI on April 6, 1378. Almost immediately, he began to abuse his cardinals. All the non-Italian cardinals left him. They went and declared his papacy illegitimate. Then in September, they elected one of their own, Cardinal Robert of Geneva, as pope and crowned him Pope Clement VII. Also, they gained the alleg