The Grapes of Wrath

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Reflection On The Grapes Of Wrath The story The Gapes of Wrath was a well written novel. It was about a family named the Joads. It covers the adventures they experienced on their voyage to California. Grapes also gives an in-depth look at what a lot of the migrants from Oklahoma Experienced. Although Grapes does not at a first glance give away certain things, such as the way the government is and ways of life, …

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…may not be as exciting in some parts, but it picks right back up and gets good again. I recommend this book to anyone who has an imagination, or just someone who likes to read a great book. John Steinbeck did a very good job on this book and it has encouraged me to read more books written by him. Once again, the book is excellent. I think I will buy a copy for myself.