The Grapes Of Wrath

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck portrayed the rebirth of a man's conscience dealing with his troubling trials throughout the novel. The character that goes through this monumental change is Tom Joad, son of a tenant farmer from Oklahoma. Tom's conscience was changed from a loner who cared nothing about the people to a hardy leader of them. He first looked after his family on their trip that evolved into including the impoverished migrant …

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…live their life, they would be forced to do so under a united cause. Tom's rebirth came slowly as he struggled to understand the toils of needing, not only to care for his family but organize the migrant workers into a force where they can achieve fair rights. During the final chapters of the novel Tom recognizes the importance of Jim Casy's work to unify the people bringing about a final rebirth of his conscience.