The Goddess Athena is the main female Character in the Odyssey.

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The Goddess Athena The Goddess Athena is the main female Character in the Odyssey. She is the main female character because she is the female that appears most in the story and helps Odysseus. Athena helps Odysseus throughout the story, she even ask Zeus to make sure that he survives through all of his hardships. For instance, she helps him by disguising him as a beggar when he returns to Ithaca. Goddess Athena's role in …

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…for him getting home alive and she makes sure that it happens. Odysseus is Athena's favorite mortal and she would do anything for him so that he can get back home to Ithaca with his family that needs him. In conclusion, Athena has to be the main female character because she is the female character in the epic. Athena is very important because she helps getting Odysseus home alive to be back with his family.