The "Genius" - Leonardo Da Vinci

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
In the latter stages of the fifteenth century, Leonardo da Vinci, as a part of the Italian Renaissance, used his innovative ideas to further science and art. This insight revolutionized the thinking of his society. "The Renaissance was poised between the humanists' links to antiquity and the challenges of new social, political, economic, scientific, and ecclesiastical developments" (Reti, 22). Leonardo da Vinci was one of "the most diverse and enigmatic talent (s) of the Renaissance" (Bishop, 209). …

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…gt;Leonardo da Vinci's sketches of both science and art truly revolutionized our world. "Each aspect of these sketches has been incorporated to better our society". ( "Leonardo's scientific drawings of human life have captivated scientist and doctors alike for years". ( skch.html) Leonardo was most definitely a man before his time. "Western Civilization has probably never known a greater or more restless intelligence" (Bishop, 209).