The French Revolution

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Essay Database > History
The American Revolution is a fascinating and enormous subject, with many parallels to the French Revolution, and it would be impossible to discuss every aspect of these wars in only a few paragraphs. Were the French and American Revolutions similar? On the surface, there were many resembling qualities. I have equated the American Revolution to the French Revolution which has been considered the forerunner of the many, modern violent revolutions that have ended in totalitarianism. …

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…communities. All these laws are passed without consultation of the colonists. Basically the French saw what was happening in the colonies and it inspired the third estate to take action. The US fought for freedom....but while they were fighting for freedom, they united and acquired the fraternity. Both, the colonies and the 3rd estate weren't having a say in the government, but were paying the most taxes and having the least freedoms and say.