The Foods Of Italy

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Essay Database > Literature > English
ITALIAN FOOD It is no accident that Italian cooking is so popular, for this is a cuisine rich in flavor and depth. A very little known fact is that Italian cookery is nothing like what we here in America think it is. Authentic Italian cooking is very different than what we eat here, in fact, it is better. Italy is a country in western Europe that is well known for its food. Italy is divided …

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…course. A pasta course includes any pasta, rice (risotto), polenta, gnocchi, or soup containing any of the above, such as a minestrone. A main course- meat, chicken, or fish - is served at this point, but with little side dishes, possibly a simple vegetable or roasted potatoes. A little salad, cheese, fruit, and coffee complete the menu. Dessert is not very often at an everyday meal, but is eaten at other times throughout the day.