The Effects on Children of Divorce

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Pages: 5
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Age can play a major role when a child is dealing with divorce. From the age of two to six children feel a sense of abandonment (Richardson and Rosen 2). They often feel that it is their fault for a parent leaving (Richardson and Rosen 2). Another thing they found was they often are in denial of a parent leaving or fantasize about the return of a parent (Richardson and Rosen 2). In one study on six to …

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…overboard with the studies that are being done and don't do enough about what you can do to prevent these effects. A lot of the time these studies give people the right to think that they can stereotype children of divorce because it says we are more problematic than intact families. But, a lot of children who come from divorce are affected very positively and grow stronger from the experience then children from intact families."