The Effects of Video Games On the Heart

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
The Effects of Video Games on the Heart Prepared by: CT For: Piedmont Academy Science Project November 30, 1999 The Effects of Video Games on the Heart In order to determine the effects of video games on the heart, we must look at several different things. First, we must determine which specific areas we want to investigate. Looking at increased heart rate and blood pressure, we need to determine the average maximum heart rate for the age …

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…heart rate? I believe that playing video games will increase your heart rate. 1. Seat the subject. 2. Take and record subject's pulse rate prior to playing the video game. 3. Allow subject to play the video game for five minutes. 4. Take and record the pulse rate again. 5. Follow steps 1 - 4 on same subjects on another game and record results. My conclusion, based on test results confirm my hypothesis that playing video games will increase your heart rate.