The Deadly Ebola Virus.... What is it and how can one catch it?

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Somewhere in a sweltering jungle, in a deep green thicket that blocks the sun, lives a killer rarely seen, but always present. One that prowled the forests perhaps thousands of years before emerging twenty-one years ago to earn the name Ebola. The virus was named for the Ebola River, which passes by the village where the virus was first discovered. "Ebola is a rare but very deadly viral fever first identified in Africa in 1976. Ebola …

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…vaccine for the Ebola virus. Preventive efforts involve educating people about how the virus is transmitted and isolating infected individuals. Ebola seldom gives victims a second chance. Parenthetical Documentation Cowley, Geoffrey. "Outbreak of Fear." Newsweek. 22 May 1995: 48-55. "Ebola." The Associated Press News. 23 Dec. 1996. Preston, Richard. The Hot Zone. New York: Random House, 1994. Purvis, Andrew. "Where Does Ebola Hide?" Time 4 March 1996: 59. Watson, Traci. "In the Lair of the Ebola." U.S. News and World Report. 29 May 1995: 44.