The Cooking Methods of the Australian Aborigines including Examples

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
Aboriginals used a variety of different cooking methods depending on the suitability for the food being prepared. Their most common cooking methods included cooking in the ashes of their fires, boiling, steaming in a ground oven and roasting on the coals. A process unique to them was used to cook foods such as sharks, rays and turtles. The fire itself was even adjusted to the food being cooked. Using a variety of timbers, twigs or …

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…bread when combined with other grains. The aborigines know of 80 different plants and animals that were good for eating and their basic food was 1.5kg of wild tomatoes each per day. Snakes were grilled whole, either stretched out over a fire or on hot coals. Goannas were done this way too or else put on a skewer and mounted over the fire for even faster cooking. The tail and underbelly were considered the best bits.